Who is behind Colibrite?
Sandrine Miller-Montgomery
Pharm.D. Ph.D.
After a long career spanning from scientist to founder and company CEO, I am now the Principal Manager of Colibrite, where I advise founders and CEOs on anything life science business related. From the concept of a start-up to all the operation activities needed (legal protection, incorporation, HR, Insurance and financials consideration) to the more scientific and business questions to create a robust business plan and product offering.
But this is just a part of what I do...:
- I enjoy creating amazing experiences for visitors to my hometown, Palomar Mountain, CA. I am managing 2 great cabins through Airbnb.
- I support the local community by being the treasurer of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization and the website and social media contact for SavePalomarMountain.org ( a task force established to ensure that no high-voltage transmission lines goes through this precious mountain)
- I love taking bird and animal pictures now that the kids are too grown-up to agree to pose for me...